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IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY USING BINGO GAME (The Action Research of the Fifth Grade Students of SD Negeri Pringlangu Pekalongan in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)

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This Final Project is an action research that describes the
implementation of bingo game and to find out the improvement of bingo game in
the fifth grade students.
The activities consist of two cycles. The lesson of the cycles are about
transportations. The writer taugh some new words about transportation to
students. The activity in the first and second cycle used Bingo game as learning
The writer uses pre-test first to find out of students’ vocabulary mastery
that related to transportation. The result of the pre – test show that students’
vocabulary mastery is poor. Then, the writer does the research to improve
students’ vocabulary mastery in two cycles by using game. The result of first and
second cycle show that students’ vocabulary mastery was improved. The Post test
has been done to students’ by the writer to measure the students’ vocabulary
mastery by using bingo game. The result of post test is higher than the pre-test. It
means that students’ vocabulary mastery was improved.
Based on the result above, it can be concluded that teaching vocabulary
can be done using bingo game as teaching media. Teaching vocabulary uses bingo
game can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. Bingo game as teaching
media can attract students to learn vocabulary more because bingo game is fun
In this study, the writer suggests some suggestions. First, for an
elementary school teacher, he/she has to be selective in choosing a teaching
media. Bingo game can be used as a learning media to make students feel comfort
in learning process. Second, teacher may use game such as Bingo game teaching
media to teach vocabulary because bingo game is very helpful for the teacher
during the process of teaching. Bingo game is a fun game that it is really matched
with character of elementary students’.
Keywords : Improving, Vocabulary, Mastery, Bingo Game.
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Prodi Pend. Bahasa Inggris FKIP Universitas Pekalongan : Jl. Sriwijaya No. 3 Pekalongan.,

Deskripsi Fisik








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