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Perpustakaan Universitas Pekalongan

IMPROVING STUDENTS' WRITING SKILL ON DESCRIPTIVE TEXT THROUGH WORD CARD MEDIA (The Collaborative Action Research of the Seventh Graders of SMP N 4 Bodeh in the Academic Year of 2013/2014)

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This final project was about implementation of word card media to teach descriptive text to improve students writing skill in SMP N 4 Bodeh Pemalang. The objectives of this study were to describe the way in which word card media is implemented in descriptive writing and to show the students’ improvement in writing descriptive text at the seventh graders students of SMP N 4 Bodeh Pemalang in the academic year of 2013/2014.
This research applied an action research design. The subject of this research was the seventh graders of SMP N 4 Bodeh Pemalang that consisted of 25 students. The data was collected by method of observation and in the end of teaching learning. The writer used a test in the form of written test. After the data was reduced, the data was displayed and ready to be analyzed.
Based on the research that was done by the writer, the result showed that the students’ activity was enjoyable and interesting, it made the students’ achievements in writing descriptive text improve. The result of this action research showed that using word card media to improve students’ writing skill was effective. The minimum mastery criteria of the class increased 12% in pre cycle, 20% in cycle I and 80% in cycle II. Moreover, the mean of students’ achievement in cycle II, it was 75 was higher than the mean score of cycle I, it was 62.
In conclusion, the implementation of word card media was good in teaching writing descriptive text and there was improvement of students’ result in writing descriptive text from the cycle I to cycle II. It is suggested to use word card media to improve students’ writing skill in secondary school.

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Prodi Pend. Bahasa Inggris FKIP Universitas Pekalongan : Jl. Sriwijaya No. 3 Pekalongan.,

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April 2014

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