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IMPROVING STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT BY USING COMMUNITY LANGUAGE LEARNING ( The Colaborative Action Research of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK Muhammadiyah Ulujami in the Academic Year of 2013/2014)

( The Colaborative Action Research of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK Muhammadiyah Ulujami in the Academic Year of 2013/2014)
The objectives of this research are to find out the problems that appears when Community Language Learning method is used to teach writing descriptive text, to describe the implementation of teaching writing descriptive text by using Community Language Learning, and to find out whether Community Language Le a rni n g i m prove st ude nt s’ m ot i va t i on i n wri t i ng de sc ri pt i ve t e xt .
The researcher used collaborative a c t i on re se a rc h t o fi nd out t he st ude nt s’ motivation in writing descriptive text by using Community Language Learning. The instument of this final project are tests and observation. The researcher gave test to the students writen test in the form of sentence completion, rearrange the jumbled paragraphs into a good descriptive text and write an example of descriptive text. The resrearcher also did the observation.
Teaching writing using Community Language Learning method gave a positive change for the students' motivation. It can be explained that using Community Language Learning method in the Pre-test , the students still have less motivation as students arrive late , do not pay attention to the teacher’s explanation, and others. After knowing these problems, the researchers conducted further treatment the Community Language Learning method in Cycle I and the students motivation had a little change the students became interested to attend classes, students who arrive late less than before, and so on. Furthermore, the researcher conducted cycle II to assure that the students motivation can be a positive change for the students and the students motivation in cycle II gave positive increase from the previous. All students can took part in better learning and all students arrive on time . The researcher did the last post-test and the results of all the students can follow the lessons well, the students arrive on time, the students brough a dictionary, and able to do the task well gave by the teacher. The percentage increase in students' motivation in writing descriptive text in the pretest was 56.4 %, in cycle 1 was 61.6 %, in the cycle II was 88.4 % and last in the post-test was 94 % . So the percentage ratio between the pre- test and post-test of the students’ motivation is increased by 37.6% %.
From the result of this final project, the researcher concludes that using
Community Language Learning method made the students were motivated to write descriptive text. It means that the Community Language Learning method are able to motivate the students in teaching writing descriptive text.
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Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Pekalongan : Jl. Sriwijaya No. 3 Pekalongan.,

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