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Jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) merupakan jamur yang memiliki kandungan gizi
tinggi dan berkhasiat obat. Jumlah produksi jamur tiram saat ini belum memenuhi permintaan
pasar. Proses produksi mengalami penurunan dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas. Salah satu usaha
untuk meningkatkan produksi dan kualitas jamur adalah perbaikan proses budidaya dengan
menggunakan konsentrasi CaCO3 dan media tumbuh yang tepat. Penelian bertujuan untuk
mengetahui konsentrasi CaCO3 yang tepat, macam media tumbuh yang optimal dan interaksi
antara konsentrasi CaCO3 dengan macam media tumbuh pada budidaya jamur tiram putih.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Lemah Abang, Kecamatan Doro, Kabupaten Pekalongan.
Pelaksanaan percobaan mulai bulan April-Juni 2013. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah
Rancangan Acak Lengkap faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama konsentrasi CaCO3(0%,
2%, 4%, 6%) dari total media, sedangkan faktor kedua macam media tumbuh (serbuk gergaji
sengon, jerami padi, sekam padi). Variabel yang diamati meliputi persentase pertumbuhan
miselium, waktu pertumbuhan miselium memenuhi media, waktu kemunculan primordia, jumlah
rumpun badan buah, jumlah badan buah, lebar tudung, ketebalan tudung, berat tangkai, berat
tudung dan berat basah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi CaCO
3 berbeda sangat
nyata terhadap semua variabel pengamatan. Konsentrasi yang tepat 2% CaCO3 dari total media.
Macam media tumbuh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap semua variabel pengamatan kecuali
ketebalan tudung berbeda nyata. Media tumbuh yang optimal adalah serbuk gergaji sengon.
Interaksi antara konsentrasi CaCO3 dengan macam media tumbuh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap
persentase pertumbuhan miselium, waktu pertumbuhan miselium memenuhi media, jumlah
rumpun badan buah, jumlah badan buah, berat tangkai, berat basah dan berbeda nyata terhadap
lebar tudung. Kombinasi terbaik pada konsentrasi 2% CaCO3dengan media tumbuh serbuk gergaji
Kata kunci : jamur tiram, CaCO3, media tumbuh

Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotusostreatus) is a kind of mushroom that has a high nutrient
content and also can be used as a medicine. Today, the oyster mushroom’s production can’t meet
the market’s demand. Otherwise, the process has been decreased in quality or even quantity. One
of way to increase the product are by giving more attention in cultivation process by optimazing in
calcium carbonate’s consentration and using the right growth medium. The aim of the research is
to find out the CaCO3 in concentration, the right growth medium optimally, and the interaction
between them. This research had been done in Lemah Abang, Doro, Pekalongan District on AprilJuni 2013. Experimental design of the research is using three repeated Completely Randomized
Design. The first factor is the concentration of CaCO3( 0%, 2%, 4%, 6 %) of the total medium,
and the second factor is kinds of growth medium (sengon’s sawdust, rice straw and rice husk). The
variable of the research consists of the percentage growth of mycelium, time for mycelium
covered the growth medium, the number of mushroom’s clumps, number of its bodies, width of
the pileus, thickness of pileus, stalk weight, and weight in wet. The results showed that the
concentration of CaCO3was completely different toward all variable. The right concentration was
2% CaCO3 of total medium. The kind of growth medium also have difference toward all
variable’s observed, except in thickness of pileus. The optimal kind of growth medium is sengon’s
saw dust. The highly significant interaction between concentration of CaCO3and growth medium
toward the percentage growth of mycelium, time for mycelium covered the growth medium, the
number of mushroom’s clumps, number of itsbodies, stalk weight, and weight in wet, and
significantly different effect on the width of the pileus. The best combination was at two
percentconcentration of CaCO3and using sengon’s sawdust medium.
keywords: oyster mushroom,,CaCO3, growth medium
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