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Seledri (Apium graveolensL.) merupakan tanaman sayuran bumbu yang beraroma khas dan
berkhasiat obat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui konsentrasi dan lama perendaman yang
tepat serta interaksinya terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman seledri. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa
Cluwuk Kecamatan Tulis Kabupaten Batang. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak
Kelompok Lengkap dengan perlakuan faktorial 4 x 3 diulang 3 kali. Faktor pertama konsentrasi
PGPR (0 g/l, 5 g/l, 10 g/l, 15 g/l), sedangkan faktor kedua lama perendaman PGPR (5 menit, 10
menit, 15 menit). Data diolah dengan uji F dan dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT 5%. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi PGPR berbeda nyata terhadap variabel tinggi tanaman per
tanaman sampel, jumlah daun per tanaman sampel, jumlah cabang per tanaman sampel, panjang
akar terpanjang per tanaman sampel, berat akar per tanaman sampel, jumlah akar per tanaman
sampel, intensitas serangan hama/penyakit dan berbeda sangat nyata terhadap variabel diameter
batang per tanaman sampel, berat basah per tanaman sampel dan berat kering per tanaman sampel
dan berpola linier positif kecuali intensitas serangan hama/penyakit linier negatif. Pertumbuhan
terbaik dicapai pada konsentrasi 15 gram/liter. Lama perendaman PGPR berbeda nyata terhadap
variabel diameter batang per tanaman sampel, berat basah per tanaman sampel dan berat kering per
tanaman sampel, tetapi tinggi tanaman per tanaman sampel, jumlah daun per tanaman sampel,
jumlah cabang per tanaman sampel, panjang akar terpanjang per tanaman sampel, berat akar per
tanaman sampel, jumlah akar per tanaman sampel, intensitas serangan hama/penyakit tidak
berbeda nyata. Pertumbuhan terbaik dicapai pada lama perendaman PGPR 15 menit. Tidak
terdapat interaksi antara konsentrasi PGPR dan lama perendaman PGPR terhadap semua variabel
yang diamati.
Kata kunci : seledri, konsentrasi PGPR dan lama perendaman

Celery ( Apium graveolens L. ) is a vegetable seasoning aromatic plants typical and efficacious
medicinal. The purpose of this study was to determine the concentration and immersion time is
right as well as their interactions of the celery plant growth. The experiment was conducted in the
village of the District Cluwuk Write Batang. The design used was a randomized block design
Complete with 4 x 3 factorial treatment was repeated 3 times. The first factor is the concentration
of PGPR (0 g/l, 5 g/l, 10 g/l, 15 g/l), while the second factor PGPR soaking time (5 minutes, 10
minutes, 15 minutes). Data processed by the F test followed by DMRT 5 %. The results showed
that the concentration of PGPR significantly different with variable plant height per plant sample,
number of leaves per plant samples, the number of branches per plant samples, the length of the
longest roots per plant sample, weight of roots per plant sample, number of roots per plant samples
, the intensity of pest attack/disease and highly significant to the variable diameter of stems per
plant samples, wet weight per plant sample and plant dry weight per sample and a positive linear
pattern except the intensity of pest/disease negative linear. The best growth is achieved at a
concentration of 15 grams/liter. Long immersion PGPR significantly different with variable
diameter stems per plant samples, wet weight per plant sample and plant dry weight per sample,
but plant height per plant sample, number of leaves per plant sample, number of branches per plant
samples, the length of the longest roots per plant samples, weight of roots per plant samples, the
number of roots per plant samples, the intensity of pest / disease was not significantly different.
The best growth was achieved in 15 minutes soaking time PGPR. There is no interaction between
PGPR concentration and immersion time PGPR against all observed variables
Keywords: celery, PGPR concentration, and immersion time
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Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Pekalongan : Jl. Sriwijaya No. 3 Pekalongan.,

Deskripsi Fisik








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April 2014

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